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Le SCO-SOC a une publication spéciale : " Biologie et conservation des oiseaux du forêt "

Cette publication spéciale a été créée en 1999. Il a été édité par A.W. Diamond et D.N. Nettleship.  C'est une série d'articles d'un colloque lors de la réunion de 1996, Fredericton N-B.

La publication entière est disponible ici (mb ~3; en anglais seulement)

Les articles sont disponibles ci-dessous ; cliquez sur dessus les numéros de page (en anglais seulement).




Introduction to biology and conservation of forest birds

Population trends of woodland and scrubland birds using data from the Canadian Breeding Bird Survey, 1966-1994

Tracing diets and origins of migratory birds using stable isotope techniques

Population studies of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia

Evaluating uncertainty in estimating population trends for research and conservation of Marbled Murrelets

Studies of forestry and avian communities in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

Breeding bird population studies at Hayward Brook: Fundy Model Forest​

Bird responses to the first cut of the uniform shelterwood silvicultural system in white pine forest

Snag characteristics and their use as woodpecker drilling sites in harvested and non-harvested northern hardwood forest

Strip-cutting: nest success and bird responses to strip regrowth

Effect of a large burn in the boreal forest on reproduction of American Kestrels and other birds

Concluding remarks: content versus context in forest bird research



AW Diamond


CM Downes and BT Collins



KA Hobson



F Cooke


J Boulanger et al.



B Freedman and G Johnson



GR Parker et al.



A. Kingsley and E. Nol


F  . Doyon et al.



G. Falardeau et al.


R Dawson and GR Bortolotti



AW Diamond

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